The art of of visual storytelling

A 3D Scan by Creation Studios blends amazing 360º photography with cutting-edge infrared scanning technology to create a photographic 3D rendering of venues and spaces.

A perfect 3D Virtual Reality space is then displayed allowing you to actually walk through the space in a captivating experience.


Types of views

1.  3D Dollhouse View

Advanced infrared cameras create a three dimensional overview of the entire space.  One can easily compare proportions and room orientations.  Very helpful for big picture.  Easily toggle between floors on multi-level locations. 

2.  2D Floorplan View

Beautiful black-and-white floor plans, quickly and easily generated from any space.  

3.  3D Walk-ThroughView

A customized, next-level immersive experience.  This engagement promotes a deeper connection with the environment each time you take another "step" or look around the space.